Sept 21, 2o10
If ya'll recall a few weeks ago I told you about a "city market on Main" that they were having in our downtown area. It is held at the museum courtyard every Friday in the months of Sept. and Oct. You basically take what you want to sell and set up the booth and hope that you make enough to at least pay for you to set up there.
It is smack in the middle of our downtown area, and I thought it would be a good place to get some exposure and hopefully some sells. Now mind you it is still in the 90's here so you really have to have some kindof shelter, a canopy, and of course you have to have the things you are trying to sell.
So I have to carry this canopy and 2 big totes with my clothes in it plus my chair, a table so I can set out my oven mitt sets and the buisness cards, and the 3 racks to hang the clothes on so people can see them.
You have to move your car to a garage a block away, walk back and proceed to set all this stuff up, sweating like nobody's business and the collapse in the chair and wait for the money to roll in. You are set up for 4 hrs. and after you had a fablous day, you have to take down what you did'nt sell pack it all up, walk a block to get your car, load it back up, and on the drive home, think "AM I TOTALLY CRAZY".
The first week I did'nt sell a thing, not one thing. The second week I sold an oven mitt, which didnot cover the price of setting up. Last week I actually made a profit, which I was so happy about, I felt success at last. Now on the 2 previous weeks I had alot of people stop and look and they said that my clothes were really cute and made very well, but no buyers.
I can't tell you how happy I was to actually sell some of my things, it made the day alot better even knowing all you have to go through to get to that point. I will be going back this Friday, even though it will be 90 again, I'm so ready for cool weather, and hopefully will have more success. The one thing my kids keep telling me is " Your getting out of the house" so it is worth it.
I hope ya'll have a great week and I will let you know how it goes.
dsthreadsdownsouth out for now.
Close to being stumped with this one!
1 week ago